
網上流傳這樣的一段話,據說來自英國哈里王子的facebook網頁 http://www.facebook.com/princeharryfanspage,引述他祖母講的:

“The world is not the most pleasant place. Eventually, your parents leave you and nobody is going to go out of their way to protect you unconditionally. You need to learn to stand up for yourself and what you believe and sometimes, pardon my language, kick some ass.”



這位英女皇從來出言謹慎謹,大方得體,從未聞會講粗話,所以網民紛紛爭論此段引述有多可信──其中有人指出這是美式拼法,若英國人講會用”kick the arse”,所以不可信。(但是哈里王子習慣了美式拼法也並非全無可能?)



此譯文示範了行外人英譯中時最易犯的一個毛病:字譯照搬委婉說法(英國人尤好此道),首句not… pleasant的「真意」該是「可怕/可憎/糟糕/好麻煩」—-

• Pleasant: good, great, enjoyable, happy, attractive, friendly, delightful, pleasing, wonderful, easy to like, cool, acceptable

• Unpleasant: bad, disagreeable, distastful, nasty, obnoxious, poisonous, repulsive, unlovely, unlikable, undesirable, objectionable, troublesome


另一個費思量的詞就是引起哄動的那個”kick…ass” ,它的一般意思是to punish someone or to defeat someone with a lot of force 。翻譯的功力在於 (1) 正確評估此詞在原先的溝通事件使用時有多鄙俗; (2) 明智決定譯文最適宜表達得有多鄙俗; (3) 在譯文語中找到或創造能達到此效果的說法。


即使女皇講了這樣的話,應該是宮內私下與人非常親切無拘束的語境。這樣譯或可保留那種親密語氣(intimate register):





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